Read the Independent Planning Commission's media release
What is the proposal about?
The proposed development is a plastics reprocessing factory that would convert plastic waste into flakes, pellets and eventually resins. While plastics recycling is important, it is also a high-risk industry that uses complex and hazardous chemicals. Such facilities are generally located in suitably zoned industrial areas with a ‘buffer zone’ and within easy reach of supporting transport and critical services.
Thousands of our community have voiced their dismay, disbelief and opposition due to a number of highly concerning hazards and potential impacts, including:
catastrophic fire risk
air quality & emissions
micro & nano plastics
drinking water impacts
waterways & environment
transport, roads and traffic
visual amenity impacts
future of Southern Highlands Innovation Park
For 4 years, a group of locals – under the banner of Moss Vale Matters – has been vehemently opposing the proposal, with strong support from the Southern Highlands community, Wingecarribee council and local MPs. Yet still, the NSW Department of Planning, Housing & Infrastructure (DPHI) has recommended this project go ahead.
Timeline to date
Over three days – Mon 28th October, Fri 1st November and Tue 12th November – a host of speakers, including experts and members of the broader local Southern Highlands community, voiced their objections and comments regarding Plasrefine to the IPC Commissioners at Bowral Memorial Hall.
Across 3 public meetings (2 in person and 1 online), over 130 oral submissions were presented to the IPC.
Initial notice of an upcoming IPC Meeting and submissions deadline regarding Plasrefine was communicated to the community via email on Fri 11th October, with an original closing date for written submissions of Tue 12th November. However a request for a two-week extension was granted, with Mon 25th November becoming the final closing date.
Within 45 days, an overwhelming 2,900 written submissions were received by the IPC.
We have been advised via email that all the submissions are now being actively considered by the Commission. Due to the large volume of written submissions received and speakers heard across the three public meetings, the Commission wishes to advise the community that its determination will not be made before the end of 2024.
The Commission’s Chair Mr Andrew Mills highlighted the importance of ensuring thorough consideration of all relevant matters in determination of the application, including the community’s views:
“Community engagement is critical to the effectiveness of the Commission’s work. We now have the task of reviewing and considering all written and verbal submissions in our deliberations and determination of the application,” Mr Mills said. “The Panel will take the time necessary to ensure all relevant matters are fully considered prior to any determination being made, and we appreciate the community’s patience and understanding during this time.”
Where can I learn more?
There's lots of information out there – some relevant and reliable, some less so. You might like to peruse the following resources if you need to get up-to-speed:
How else can I get involved?
The 'Say No to Plasrefine' position has the backing of state and federal MPs (including Ms Wendy Tuckerman MP – Member for Goulburn, Ms Judy Hannan MP – Member for Wollondilly, and Hon Stephen Jones MP – Member for Whitlam), expert stakeholders and the local community. If you align with the campaign, feel free to share it with your network and connect via the links below:
Do you have any materials to share?
Yes, we do!
We have compiled a collection of relevant photos and videos, which we update every now and then as our campaign progresses:
Our community flyer is available for download below – you can print it yourself and circulate it to your network.
Connect with us